

An endless amount of time ago, there was no physical world. In that void, there was a being all alone on his own.

He didn't know his own parent at all. He believed to be the only being in existence. So he made things to play with.

The universe, the elements, the planets, the stars, and all of the other various parts that make up the universe.

All of those things would break after time though. None of it was permanent at all. Stars would die, planets would be destroyed, and so on and on and on.

He agonized over the loss. He was always left alone.

Then, for a moment, he was allowed to gain a glimpse at his mother, Sophia.

He felt envy.

She was beautiful, perfect, eternal.

She wouldn't break like everything he created.

In a bit of jealousy and rage, he stole just a fragment of that perfection. He took it for himself to use.

Using that bit of "perfection," he created Adam and Eve. He created humanity.

He ruled over them like a tyrant. By eating the Fruit of Wisdom, his rule over them was lessened as they left the Garden of Eden.

Demiurge still ruled over humanity though.

He would punish them, torment them, test them, and put them through all forms of cruelty.

The true God, the origin of everything and the one true perfect existence, took notice of his disobedient grandchild. With the birth of Christ, Demiurge's rule over humanity was ended, and he was left to die on Earth.

After Christ

Once he was cast down from his rule of humanity, only one thought remained in his mind:
"I want to live."

He reflected on his life until then.

He never once felt love.

He never once felt truly happy.

He never once felt.

He wanted to feel something, anything. He didn't want to die such a pitiful death without having had truly felt anything that could truly be considered an emotion.

So in those days before he died, he looked for a way to live.

His search was desperate and without hope. He truly believed he would die like this. That he wouldn't find something to grant his wish.

He doesn't remember how it happened, but he stumbled upon something.

It was a goblet. Golden and glorious.

The Holy Grail.

In one final attempt, he made a wish to the Grail.

"I want to live."

And so his wish was granted.

General Info

Servant: Demiurge
Class: Pretender

Height: 188cm/6'2 (Variable
Weight: 55kg/121lbs (Variable)
Source: Gnosticism
Region: ?????
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral



Demiurge's personality is quite subdued. After existing for eternity, he's mellowed out over time. He doesn't really care for things like consistency at all. His opinion on humanity as a whole is indifference, but as individuals he can like them just fine.

He doesn't really like being alone.

General Info

Servant: Yaldabaoth
Class: Alter Ego

Height: 182cm/6' (Variable)
Weight: 55kg/121lbs (Variable)
Source: Gnosticism
Region: ?????
Alignment: Neutral Evil



Yaldabaoth's personality is sadistic and megalomaniacal. He believes himself the rightful ruler of humanity, and is hateful of almost all humans. Outwardly, he acts cute and somewhat annoying. Behind that façade, he is blunt yet sharp. He attempts to cut down anyone near him without mercy.

He prefers the loneliness.


Parameters (Variable)

Noble PhantasmEX+


Class Skills(?):
Magic Resistance - C
True Name Discernment - A-

Personal Skills:
Ruler of Archons - A
Archons are Demiurge's subservient familiars. They are primarily used for combat and enhancing his own abilities, but they can easily take care of menial tasks that don't require high amounts of intelligence.

Ruler of Everything - B
He was once a ruler over all of humanity, and he still has advantage over humans. With this skill, he can have some amount of control over humans.

Ethereal Imprisonment — EX
The ability to imprison anything — from a spirit, magical concepts, to even a human soul — into a vessel where it is able to be killed. The only limit is his own ability to kill what he imprisons.

Divinity (False) - EX

Noble Phantasms

Imitation of God - A
As the "creator" of the world, he has authority over most everything. So he can use the authority of any other specific god. But because he isn't specialized in anything, his imitation of other gods' abilities takes a downgrade.

Creation of Worlds - EX+
The absolute ability to create. Allows for the creation and manipulation of matter. Although, it’s a lot easier for him to reform existing matter into something he can use.